
澳门网上真人赌博官网的预算计费计划可以提供帮助. 这是一种免费而简单的方法,可以从你的电费账单中计算出高低. 预算帐单 is designed to help you manage your energy costs, reduce seasonal bill shocks 和 维护 你的预算.

预算计费, your monthly electric bill payment is no longer the total of your actual charges. 而不是, it is based on the average amount of your electric bills from the previous 12 months, so your payment will be about the same every month - regardless of seasonal weather changes.

  • 例如, 如果你最近12张电费账单的总额是4美元,800, 你的预算账单每月支付大约400美元.


月数 = 新的月度
$4,800 ÷  12 = $400

  • 您必须是住宅或小型企业客户.
  • You cannot owe an overdue balance or have a pending service disconnection order.
  • 您不可能在过去12个月内参与过预算计费.
  • 您不能拥有以下任何程序或费率计划:
    • 需求率(GSD, RSD等).)
    • 统一税率(i).e. 照明)
    • 施工费率(CS、CSTUG等.)
    • 公司使用率(TECU, PGSU等.)
    • 运输速度
    • 备用发电率
    • 只有Zap Cap系统
    • 使用时间
    • 摘要计费

预算账单不是一个折扣计划. 你仍然要为你所使用的能源的成本负责. 虽然 预算账单不是一个节省计划, it gives you the convenience 和 predictability of a levelized payment throughout the year, 所以你可以轻松地管理你的预算. 在节目中, we'll continue to read your meter each month to determine your actual usage 和 cost; these amounts will be recorded on your monthly bill. 在程序中,您的账单也会显示“递延余额”。. The “deferred balance” represents the difference between your actual charges 和 your 预算帐单 average monthly payment amount.


Ray’s Ribs operates a restaurant in Florida, where the summers are hot 和 winters are mild. These seasonal temperature changes cause Ray’s Rib’s energy bills to increase in the summer when their air conditioning struggles to keep their business cool 和 decrease in the winter when they use less air conditioning.

  • 通过参加澳门网上真人赌博官网的预算计费计划, Ray’s Ribs can better manage their monthly expenses 和 avoid the budget shock of higher summer bills.
  • 而不是, Ray’s Ribs will pay a fixed monthly amount based on their previous year's energy usage 和 projected future costs.
    • 例如, 如果Ray's Rib的最后12张账单总共是10美元,400, their 预算帐单 payment going forward would be fixed at about $867 per month.



在你的入学纪念日和一年中定期的其他时间, we will review your account to determine if your 预算帐单 payment amount needs to be adjusted. 如果你的使用情况或能源费率发生了变化,可以进行调整. Your monthly payment amount may increase or decrease based on the current cost of energy 和 the actual energy used.


如果递延余额大于零, the difference will be included as part of your new average payment amount over the following 12 months. 这意味着你新的每月预算账单金额将包括1/12th 递延余额.

在你的年度总结中 只有:

如果您的递延余额在您的注册期结束时为负, 意思是你有信用, 你会得到那个积分, 全额, 你下个月结婚纪念日的账单上. 


      • 该计划旨在提供可预测性. 这不是一个折扣计划.
      • Once enrolled, we will activate your request on your next month's billing cycle.
      • 没有任何费用或合同. 你可以随时停止参与. 然而,离开节目后, 任何累积的递延余额将立即到期.
      • If you leave or are terminated from the program, 至少12个月内不能重新注册.
      • 要参与,您的帐户必须保持活跃和当前.
      • 每月必须支付指定的付款金额.
      • If your account generates two service disconnect orders within 12 months for non-payment, 它将被从计划中删除, 并且至少12个月内不能重新注册.
      • You will be notified by bill message on your monthly statement if there are any changes to your 预算帐单 payment amount.
      • 要注册预算计费,请单击下面的按钮,创建澳门线上真人博彩官网 在线账户 如果你还没有的话, 和 select 预算帐单 on the settings menu in the lower right corner of the page.
      • 您也可以通过致电澳门线上真人博彩官网的业务进行注册 & 行业联络中心地址: 866-832-6249.

有一个一致的预算账单付款,你可以指望, 您还可以享受的便利和节省时间的 自动支付无纸化计费. 您可以在注册预算计费的时间和地点注册这些服务.


如果断开服务, 停止参与或从程序中删除,任何累积的递延余额将立即到期, 并且你至少在12个月内不能重新注册该项目. 如果递延金额为正, 所有的余额将会立即支付到您的账户. 如果递延金额为负, 意思是你有信用, 你下个月的账单可以一次性抵扣. 若要停止预算计费, 登录你的账户 然后选择“关闭”按钮. 或致电澳门线上真人博彩官网的业务 & 行业联络中心地址: 866-832-6249.

如果你有任何问题, 联系澳门线上真人博彩官网 寻求帮助.

预算账单是一个免费的程序,可以帮助你管理你的能源成本, 减少季节性支付波动,保持预算. 有了预算账单,你就可以避免意外的更可预测的能源账单. 而不是你每月的付款随你每月的实际使用量而波动, the amount you pay is based on the average amount of your bills over the past year – giving you a more consistent payment from month to month.

  • 例如, 如果你最近12张电费账单的总额是3美元,300, 在接下来的12个月里,你的预算账单每月支付大约275美元.


  • 管理你的能源成本.
  • 减少季节性的账单高峰和压力.
  • 保持预算.
  • 享受更可预测的账单.

All residential 和 small business customers can participate in 预算帐单, 除非 你欠了一笔过期的欠款, have discontinued or been removed from the program during the preceding 12 months or have a pending service disconnection order.

虽然 you do not need 12 months of usage history at your address to participate in 预算帐单, 澳门线上真人博彩官网推荐它最准确的付款估计. 如果你在你的地址有少于12个月的使用历史, 您的预算账单付款金额是基于您当前的使用情况.

重要的 注意: You will be removed from the program if the account generates two service disconnect orders within 12 months for non-payment.


  1. TECOaccount.com.
  2. 创建一个在线账户,如果你还没有的话,然后登录.
  3. 选择您想要参加该计划的帐户.
  4. 导航到设置菜单.
  5. 点击预算计费.
  6. 按照提示操作.

预算账单包括你的基本电力服务. It does not cover service charges such as outdoor lighting 和 other products 和 services like Zap Cap系统. 这些费用在账单上作为单独的单行项目列出来.

不,预算计费是一个免费和自愿的计划. 没有月费或合同. 您可以随时停止参与. 只要记住, 如果您停止参与或被移出该计划, 你必须等待12个月才能重新注册. 此外,在离开程序时,任何累积的递延余额将立即到期.

预算帐单 payments are calculated by dividing the total amount of your past 12 billing cycles by 12 to obtain your average billing amount. 这个平均金额将成为你每月的预算账单付款.

  • 例如, 如果你最近12张电费账单的总额是3美元,300, 你的预算账单每月支付大约是275美元.


预算帐单 begins on your next month’s billing statement following enrollment. Your 预算帐单 start date is provided at enrollment 和 is listed on your enrollment confirmation email or letter.

这里有一个开始日期的例子:如果你在7月1日注册, 您下次结账的日期是8月6日, your new 预算帐单 payment will not appear on this bill because the service period is still active (6/30/24 - 7/31/24). Your 预算帐单 participation will begin with the August service period (8/1/24 – 8/30/24) 和 appear on your September 6 statement.

在你的入学纪念日和一年中定期的其他时间, we will review your account to determine if your 预算帐单 payment amount needs to be adjusted. 如果你的使用情况或能源费率发生了变化,可以进行调整. Your monthly payment amount may increase or decrease based on the new calculation of actual energy used, 当期能源成本及相关递延余额.


如果递延余额大于零, the difference will be included as part of your new average payment amount over the following 12 months. 这意味着你新的每月预算账单金额将包括1/12th 递延余额.

在你的年度总结中 只有:

如果您的递延余额在您的注册期结束时为负, 意思是你有信用, 你会得到那个积分, 全额, 你下个月结婚纪念日的账单上. 

While on the 预算帐单 program will receive a monthly statement that includes three amounts:

  1. 实际电费: These are your actual charges 和 represent the amount you would pay on a regular billing plan.
  2. 预算计费金额: 您在预算账单计划上的年度付款.
  3. 年初至今递延余额: The cumulative difference between the "actual energy service charges" 和 your "预算帐单" payment.


递延余额会在你每月的账单上列出并更新. 递延余额反映了您的实际使用和费用. 这包括在你的账单上,所以在任何一个月, 你知道你所携带的任何借方或贷方. Deferred balances can be found under your 预算帐单 payment amount in the “Other Fees 和 Charges” section of your bill. 请看下面的橙色大框.


如果您的预算账单付款发生变化, 当进行更改时,将在账单上显示账单信息. 根据您的帐户偏好,您还将收到一封信或电子邮件.

而不是储蓄计划, 预算帐单 gives you the convenience 和 predictability of a levelized payment throughout the year, 所以你每个月支付的金额大致相同. There may be months when your 预算帐单 payment is higher or lower than your actual usage but remember – these charges are distributed evenly throughout the year. 最后,你只需要为你使用的能源付费.

No. 一旦你注册了预算计费, you remain in the program until you disconnect your service or de-enroll in the program. 如果您停止参与或被移出该计划, 至少12个月内不能重新注册. 

You can stop participating in 预算帐单 和 return to regular billing anytime. 然而, 如果您停止参与或被移出该计划, 你必须等待12个月才能重新注册. 此外,在离开程序时,任何累积的递延余额将立即到期.


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